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Donate to Rockhopper Software Designs

If you have found value in Rockhopper's volunteer work, pro-bono projects, or community gifts, then please consider donating.

Bitcoin Address:

Or you can make checks payable to Morgan Lesko:
P.O. Box 595, Grantsville, MD 21536
Secure credit card donation processing is completed using Chargebee.

Donate $1/month

This will help cover server costs for community gifts, and really helps keep them online. Every dollar counts, and many hands make light work. Thank you!
Donate $1 / month
Please Note: Credit card processors take a significant cut from transactions this small. They'll likely take 33% of each monthly dollar ...
Donate $12 / year
... But if you choose to donate at this level yearly, then 95% of your generosity will directly fund this work.

Donate $5/month

Giving this much back not only helps keep servers online, and maintaining and expanding community gifts.

Donate $20/month

If you've found even more value in Rockhopper Software's community gifts and open source projects, then we are deeply grateful to receive more financial sustenance. This really helps these projects grow and bloom!